pediatric housecalls Robert R. Jarrett M.D. M.B.A. FAAP

Showing posts from: June 2022

Fathers and Sons

It was hard for me to believe too.

When I wrote the “out of site but not out of mind” post a week or so back, I realized that it had been over THREE YEARS since I went on “hiatus” from weekly blog posts for reasons I really didn’t want to share in the “blogosphere.”

And, I’m not sure I can even now; but, something inside pushes at me saying that it might help the… emptyness?… the regret?… the void?… go away.

It has to do with this man. He’s my dad. James Ray Jarrett, M Ed. — World War II veteran, master carpenter-educator, Farmer, Church Leader, Everyone’s Friend… Builder of houses and Toys… Doting Husband… frustrated patient.
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Cicely D. Williams

The fact that Cicely D. Williams, our next “most influential doctor of all time”, ended up a female prisoner of war should have been enough to make her renowned; but, …

being the DISCOVERER:

  • of the most deadly disease of an era and…
  • that it was being treated all wrong, and…
  • that the corrupt business practices of the Nestlé Corporation were causing thousands of children’s deaths each year,

cinched the deal for Dr. Cicely D. Williams—a true doctor’s doctor!

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Out of Site BUT Not Out of Mind

I can’t believe that it’s been this long since I’ve uploaded a post on this site – truly!

Obviously I’m still interested in the site. After all, I keep paying the fees each year; but, the personal situation that I blamed in the last post for not uploading as frequently as usual, alas, has not relieved but only taken several morphs over the past year or so.

I still do have hopes for returning to the weekly posts; and, perhaps most discouraging to me, I continually find information that I believe all parents should know and I should write about but don’t have the where-with-all to do it at the time.

We just keep on keepin’ on though, don’t we? YOU hang in there, and so will I and we’ll get back in the swing of things.

In the mean time. Remember that there’s a grundle of topics already written about that are easily found with the search button (up there in the corner somewhere – and all down the right side-bar).