pediatric housecalls Robert R. Jarrett M.D. M.B.A. FAAP

Top 50 Most Influencial Doctors of All Time: Intro/Index

I’ve seen a list of the Top 50 Most Influential Physicians of All Time somewhere, I think in a physicians-only magazine called Medscape. It was compiled by physicians, I suppose from some committee somewhere.

Reviewing it, I’d heard of nearly every name on the list save it be a couple, so I typed one or two into Wikipedia to see what they had on the doctor and was pleasingly suprised with the new insight. These people had done amazing things, many against terrible odds, most with huge personal sacrifice and a few barely escaping dangerous backlash and physical hurdles (or not).

I decided to start a historical series myself, explaining in more detail their contribution to the medical care you and I take for granted today. That was more years ago than I’m proud of; but, I’m still struggling to add these tough-to-write posts to this series.

25 Posts in "Top 50 Doctors" Series

A few other posts also describe physicians of note, like in the series Unaccepted Medical Breakthroughs you might like to read.