pediatric housecalls Robert R. Jarrett M.D. M.B.A. FAAP

Childhood Immunization Schedule: Intro/Index

Childhood immunization guidelines once considered a godsend of protection against all-to-common childhood death, these days might be considered an annoyance they’ve become so commonplace.

Polio, heart disease, Rubella, chickenpox, meningitis… all caused death in addition to misery. Almost every family had a child die in childhood.

I’ve written about immunizations many times, as this series of articles displays. The last article gives a synopsis of the CDC and other official entities who make the guidelines; so you can get them direct, skipping the middlemen, and avoid all the out of date “klinker” websites on the interned (they never erase any outdated stuff).

6 Posts in "Immunization Schedule" Series

  • Childhood Immunization Schedule Updates: Intro/Index – 1 Feb 2013
    Childhood Immunization Guidelines: Intro/Index

  • 2013 Immunization Guidelines – 2 Feb 2013
    Latest and updated childhood immunization guidelines for 2013

  • Birth to Eighteen – 25 Oct 2013
    Link to the US government website for immunization recommendations: birth to 18

  • 2014 Immunization Schedule – 14 Feb 2014
    Explanations and updated immunization schedule for 2014

  • Immunization Links in a nutshell – 16 Jul 2015
    Updates to immunization schedules based on new research has left "clinker" articles all over the internet (nothing ever gets erased) giving LOTS of outdated and mis-information. Here are direct links to the decision makers who publish updated information all the time -> go to these sites directly, avoid the middle man!

  • CDC Disease specific immunization recommendations (printable) – 20 Mar 2023
    This is a lengthy list of the CDCs immunization recommendations for most immunize-able diseases. DIRECT links to their printable handouts so you don't need to hunt for them.

Speaking of immunizations, and all the posts I’ve written, if you’re interested in immunization safety information there’s a series about that too beginning with a out-and-out fraud case and loss of medical license.