pediatric housecalls Robert R. Jarrett M.D. M.B.A. FAAP

Children’s Sleep: Series Intro/Index

Is NOT sleeping or TO MUCH sleeping better; or NOT better? It’s that “best of times… worst of times” issue. They’re both bad… and good; depending on the circumstances, time and age.

That’s why I’ve begun curating the several posts I’ve written over the years explaining the many and varied aspects of the issue. And, with the benefits of the computer programming, whenever I write a new post this index post is automatically updated so is always the most up-to-date.

So… here’s all about sleep in children, teens and young adults:

6 Posts in "Children's Sleep" Series

  • Children's Sleep series: Intro/Index – 19 Jan 2016
    I've noticed the large number of questions from parents which have "sleep" as the core issue. This series is all about sleep, how it works, how much is needed; and… "what's the matter with this kid?"

  • How much sleep – 20 Jan 2016
    No really! How does sleep work? You think you know… until things change, and you realize you don't know anymore. You've got babies who wake you up at all hours and you've got teens who don't seem to ever get out of bed? What gives?

  • Sleep In Teenagers – 28 Jan 2016
    Right from birth it seems that tired children can crash to sleep anywhere, anytime they are tired. That's all over in "teenhood" however, partly because all of the nervous system changes occurring with puberty.

  • Sleep Expectations and Training, Infants – 6 Mar 2016
    Frankly, the topic of infant sleep is probably the most frequently asked group of questions from new parents and in the “top 3” for all parents; but still…. there's a lot of "wives tails" lurking about in the topic.

  • More sleep training and tips, Infants - Part 2 – 11 Mar 2016
    NOT sleeping through the night is no accident; sleeping THROUGH the night is no accident either; and, good sleep begins with deciding and defining. Infant sleep habits are varied but there are some tips.

  • Sleep in Toddlers, Older Children – 28 Feb 2023
    A good synopsis of this post might be "sleep through the ages." It does change you know, based on the growth of the child AND his/her environment that YOU provide based on family and house "rules." That means: here's what might be making (enabling) the problem that your child might be having and what you can do about it.

Quite a bunch, no? All inform about just a little bit different aspect.

Series next: