pediatric housecalls Robert R. Jarrett M.D. M.B.A. FAAP

Showing posts from: December 2013

Merry Christmas Baby

Merry Christmas from - Pediatric House Calls

Merry Christmas from – Pediatric House Calls
See you next year!

5 Serious Symptoms in Children to Never Ignore

It didn’t used to be as difficult as it is now, but having enough knowledge for a parent to navigate through the medical system isn’t easy. Sometimes, it’s next to impossible and still keep your wits about you.

A parent must not only understand the office system of the doctor they have chosen; but, what about all those symptoms that they’ll ask you about if you call?

Stings and Bites in Children

The summer is full of things that bite, have you noticed? Bees, wasps, fire ants, snakes, spiders, flies, mosquitoes, ticks, and scorpions. Some areas have these threats to health and sanity all year long.

Children’s Bad Bug Book – Foodborne Illness 

[Page is no longer served – don’t know what’s up with the CDC and changing URL addresses, they should know better.] Bugs in Food – not a good thought. If you were in my office, and I needed to talk to your child about keeping food clean from bad bugs, this is what you would hear. I’m just glad somebody wrote it down before I needed to do it.
[Site no longer active – which makes me sorry for you. You really should have seen it in it’s day!]

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Innocent Heart Murmurs in Children

The term “Innocent Heart Murmur” sounds anything BUT innocent to most parents; but, it’s not an uncommon “diagnosis” for a pediatrician who is actually doing a thorough exam of a youngster.

Stomach “Flu” – Vomiting, Diahrrea and Norovirus

“Stomach flu,” what a name! A lot of people use the term but the gut-wrenching malady has absolutely nothing to do with “flu” – not caused by the same “bug,” transmitted differently, treated differently, not prevented by a vaccine and the cause of more confusion in people’s mind’s than probably any other term in medicine.

Scabies in Children

I once heard a tape of an old-time radio broadcast where Costello was telling Abbot that “I once had the seven-year-itch.” Abbot asked, “Well, what did you do?” to which Costello replied, “I scratched real fast and got rid of it in four years.”

The seven-year itch was given its nick-name not because it lasts for seven years but because it occurs in epidemics nearly every seventh year.