ADHD: Treatment Followup – Lifelong Learning

A man after my own heart, Dr. Robert Koch, one of the top 50 “influencers” of medicine of all time, loved to travel—except he had the where-with-all and time to actually do it.
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So, how about it. Do we think we can limit all the sitting and sleeping and TV-watching we do to only 23½ hours a day? The good doc listed a lot of benefits for exercise; and notice that he didn’t give any specific requirements about it other than it’s supposed to be “30 minutes.” That means that you can pick the absolutely “fun-est” thing you can think of (as long as it’s active) and do it for 30 minutes.
We’ve got a huge epidemic of nearly every ailment related to weight and sedentary living going on with our children. Perhaps the most significant legacy you can give your children is a love (at least tolerance) for being active in their lives. NOW is the time to take seriously all the recommendations being given to limit children’s TV (screen) time.
It’s called FUO or “Fever of Unknown Origin” and its definition is about as big a mystery as its name. Back during my medical school days FUO meant something different to the neonatologists in the newborn unit than it did to the pediatricians out on the hospital ward.
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Admittedly, the accepted schedule for preventive immunizations is a challenge to keep up with. Well, it is for us “doc” types so it must be for you as well.
For your reference, I’m going to embed in this page the latest immunization recommendations. They are in an easy-to-read chart form, covering immunizations of both: Infants and Children—birth through 6; and Preteens and Teens—7 through 18.
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