[Guest Author] I’ve mentioned before how I stumbled upon another “blogger” on the internet and bonded instantly, like he was a “brother from another mother” based on the fact that we had been writing similar pediatric articles completely independently for years. His URL is up for sale now, and I’ve lost track of him, but his content will be here for safe keeping until he wants them back.
This one: “Choose your battles” is “survival parenting 101.” It merely means to save your energy, and credibility, for the “big stuff” (and there is enough of that to be going on with).Read more →
This article entitled: Real Pediatrics is to mark the beginning of a series of thirty-two guest posts from a pediatrician I’ve never met but have bonded with over sharing ideas, opinions and experiences; including having a penchant for medical blogging and even a similar sounding last name: Dr. Gregory Alan Barrett,, Greg for short.
I’ve lost track of him following Covid but recently found his site has been “camped on” by someone having taken over the URL and trying to gouge someone into buying it—obviously a ‘something-for-nothing-flipper’ using the popularity my friend created. I’ve located most of his articles (I think) and have decided to re-post them here for safe keeping until he wants them back (or this blog suffers a similar fate).
They are nearly all precisely as he wrote them; except, of necessity, I had to add back the headings and photographs because they had not been archived in the ‘way-back machine.’ Additionally, I did, on occasion follow the spell-checkers advice as well as update medical advice on at least one post (a thing I believe the good doctor would do himself if he were here).