[Guest Author] This parenting article on
the seventh grade being the pivot point is the
thirteenth in a series of guest posts from a pediatrician I’ve never met but have bonded with over sharing ideas, opinions and experiences; including having a penchant for medical blogging. His URL is up for sale, and I’ve lost track of him, but his content will be here for safe keeping until he wants them back.
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[Guest Author] This article on the
art and purpose of saying no is the
twelfth in a series of guest posts from a pediatrician I’ve never met but have bonded with over sharing ideas, opinions and experiences; including having a penchant for medical blogging. His URL is up for sale, and I’ve lost track of him, but his content will be here for safe keeping until he wants them back.
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This article on
expecting good behavior is the
eleventh in a series of guest posts from a pediatrician I’ve never met but have bonded with over sharing ideas, opinions and experiences; including having a penchant for medical blogging. His URL is up for sale, and I’ve lost track of him, but his content will be here for safe keeping until he wants them back.
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This article about
never trusting the Newborn to do the expected is the
tenth in a series of guest posts from a pediatrician I’ve never met but have bonded with over sharing ideas, opinions and experiences; including having a penchant for medical blogging. His URL is up for sale, and I’ve lost track of him, but his content will be here for safe keeping until he wants them back.
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This fun article on
giving your child their medicine is the
ninth in a series of guest posts from a pediatrician I’ve never met but have bonded with over shared ideas, opinions and experiences; including having a penchant for medical blogging. His URL is up for sale, and I’ve lost track of him, but his content will be here for safe keeping until he wants them back.
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