Kids are doing it, parents are doing it, sometimes it seems these days as if everybody is doing it. What’s going on here? Is this a new phenomenon, or is it a custom as ancient as time itself?
There are few things in parenting more frustrating and confusing than having a child who doesn’t sleep through the night. However, accomplishing this goal isn’t as difficult as one would think. You just need to know the ground rules.
Everyone gets sick in the world; but, even in 2017, VAST numbers of people have no hope of care. A BILLION people lack access simply because they live so far from a clinic it’s impossible to get there even IF they had transportation to do so. Then there’s war—like in Liberia which has now left only 51 doctors for the entire country of 4 million people!
This TED video is about what one physician, Raj Panjabi, is actually doing about it; and a practical answer for other countries to follow.
[Two grandmothers are at odds over their grandsons tonsillitis and possible tonsilectomy.] (more…)
[A parent asks a question about an MRI, spinal taps and behavior in their child following and proceeding these procedures.] (more…)
[Site no longer active] Give anyone older than about 40 enough of an opening to explain the difference between what kids experience today and what they experienced back then – they’ll NOT be a loss for words. Perhaps about an hours worth, if they’re in a hurry to get somewhere. In the form of a […]
This mother has a unique approach to her children’s “star charts” – rewarding good behavior and focusing on “successes.” []