Parenting advice – something that we all probably need at one time or another; but, something that is awfully easy to get tired of. Here is some more “stuff not to stress about.”
Atopy (allergies) are inherited. You are born with it! Well, if that’s the case, then why didn’t it show up at birth? and why don’t all my kids have it? Why does it come and go? and why do allergies change throughout the seasons and the years? and why can you treat it with medicines? […]
“The sad thing is,” says Kio Stark, “that in many parts of the world we are raised to believe that strangers are dangerous by DEfault, we can’t trust them, they might hurt us. But most strangers aren’t dangerous, we’re uneasy around them… we don’t know what their intentions are. So, instead of using our perceptions and making choices, we rely on this category of ‘STRANGER.'”
“I know that not every person on the street has the best intentions. It is good to be friendly and it’s good to learn when not to be; but, none of that means we have to be afraid.” And, in the long run WE LOOSE.
[A “worried mum” from the UK is concerned about her four-year-old son’s multiple health problems: sore throats, antibiotics, mold and night cramps.] (more…)
[A parent asks a question about an MRI, spinal taps and behavior in their child following and proceeding these procedures.] (more…)
[This site hasn’t been posted on since 2017 when her son with Aspergers turned thirteen. The text is still there but the accompanying photos don’t load, probably because the Amazon AWS account has not been renewed. They don’t exist in the “wayback machine archive” either, darn!]The mother of an autistic child says it all in […]
This mother has a unique approach to her children’s “star charts” – rewarding good behavior and focusing on “successes.” []