The earliest thing an infant learns to do, even before talking, is to: Communicate. It is something most of us struggle to perfect; and, are still learning as we close out our lives. Research tells us that there may be as much Communication without words as with them. (Gestures, touch, body language, etc.) (more…)
We’ve written about common summer problems in previous posts. But we’ve got a new crop of kids going out the front door now this season and a new crop of parents worrying about their bumps, bruises and fractures. Read more →
We’ve had a fairly long sequence of pretty deep medical articles which, If I’m honest, were also exhausting to write for me; so, let’s take a bit of a break from the intensity and see something that is just so refreshing to me that it brings scratchiness to my throat when I see it. Here’s singer Josh Grobin doing what he does: sing. Watch his eyes and body language and see how he handles this girls experience.
I’m terribly sorry!
It seems as though You Tube just doesn’t like to serve older posts anymore. Josh Grobin is an unusually giving performer and this video with a youth audience member touched my heart deeply. I know many of you got to see it, I’m sorry it’s not here anymore.
An active mother wonders about the propriety of taking her children jogging with her.
[Mother confused about headaches and wonders if her fussy daughter is having headaches from her spinal tap as an infant.] (more…)
How do you find a doctor for your child? The most highly trained, specifically for children, would be a board certified Pediatrician; but, not all doctors are equal and doctors do change during their career. You shouldn’t need to put up with poor office and practice procedures like availability, returning phone calls and lab follow-up. […]
I’ve just spent a fair amount of time updating a previous article in the Q & A section covering Sore Throat, Antibiotics, Mold and Flat Feet; which, as it turned out, became quite a full-fledged article. If any of those topics interest or apply to you, it would be beneficial if you took a look. […]