For a child with ADHD, how do we know what the real issues are; how can we tell what really works?
Impetigo and Ringworm are common skin infections with “hidden” sequelae that come in the back door if they’re not treated. Influenza still kills babies and grandparents while making the rest bed-riddenly ill. Fortunately, there are vaccines now readily available for all ages although annoyingly need to be repeated each year.
I haven’t gone off the deep end when I tell you there are “Martians” living in Los Angeles California… it’s true. I did live in California seven years without spotting one myself—three even near San Francisco; but, I didn’t have the “App” to help me find them back then.
“Go wash your hands” – words children can’t hear often enough; but, it shouldn’t always be from you. This page teaches children why and how to wash their hands. [ ]
A link to a blog post about making parenting easier? Well to the extent that reading some fairly simply stated guidelines can make it, here is an interesting example from the University of Arkansas department of pediatrics. Kristin Zolten and Nicholas Long. (parenting-ed website) []