Increasing numbers of children are participating in organized distance running – jogging. Some ambitious parents have sought to enter their children in adult type marathon races and there is even an occasional child who can “succeed” in this type of activity. Read more→
I’ve written before about appendicitis and the research going on to find the best type of treatment. A big part of that research is to make double-dog sure that it keeps people safe because this thing used to kill people right and left! Contrary to what the charlatans on the internet try to get you […]
You know, it doesn’t happen very often… well almost never actually. But on a rare occasion one runs across something on the internet which by all the laws of eternity just MUST be posted and seen. Such is this Donny Osmond performance with Matthew English—a boy, who just happens to be hearing impaired.
I’m terribly sorry.
The Daily Mirror which hosts this video has decided they need more than anything to push their agendas BEFORE displaying the video. I’ve taken the link down. Donny Osmond has a video of the same content on his Facebook site; but, as we all know, you’ll need to navigate to that page in order to see the video.]