pediatric housecalls Robert R. Jarrett M.D. M.B.A. FAAP

Showing posts from: May 2013

Sexting and Risky Teen Behavior

Perhaps the majority of the readers of this blog are parents and perhaps only a few teenagers visit. With that understanding, this post is about a topic which none of us parents had to even think about while growing up but which we better now, if we know what’s good for us – and our kids.

Family Bicycles the Panamerican Highway 

[Site no longer active – which makes me sorry for you. You really should have seen it in it’s day!]
“What would you do if you weren’t afraid” is the subtitle of a blog by a Boise Idaho family who rode their bicycles the entire American continent – Alaska to Argentina. Mom, dad and twin 12-year-old boys took three years of “home schooling,” did it… and wrote about it.
[Site no longer active ]


Group A Strep Sore Throat – Practice Guidelines

The billions of sore throats in the world every year are almost all caused by viruses which: means they will resolve on their own, no antibiotics will help and, in fact, may even last longer if we fool around trying to fuss with them. Notice I said “almost” because there is a tiny sub-group of them caused by GAS (group A Streptococcus) which causes physicians grief in trying to diagnose and treat.

Finding A Good Doctor 

How do you find a doctor for your child? The most highly trained, specifically for children, would be a board certified Pediatrician; but, not all doctors are equal and doctors do change during their career. You shouldn’t need to put up with poor office and practice procedures like availability, returning phone calls and lab follow-up. Here is some advice on how to locate a good doctor for your child in your area and a list of questions to answer when “interviewing” potential pediatricians.

Thermometer Options For Taking a Child’s Temperature 

Which kind of thermometer do you purchase to take your child’s temperature? This article explains the options with their pros and cons. The cheapest and most reliable is still the old-fashioned mercury one your mom and grandma used but the digital one is next best.

Peanut Allergy On The Rise

I don’t usually post articles with such an intense featured image; but, I want to, perhaps, set a new mental image for people when they hear the words “peanut allergy.”

I believe the medical profession (and others) are doing the community a disservice by using the words “allergy” in relation to peanuts for it brings to mind runny noses, coughs, itchy eyes, rashes and wheezing when it SHOULD bring hospital beds, respirators, cardiac arrests and even worse.

Tonsillitis – international

[An international reader of the blog whose “licensed doctor for the young/kids” diagnoses “tonsillitis” and “Typhoid fever” frequently making him confused.]

Keeping Sick Kids Home from School or Daycare

Oh, for the days when you were sick and you simply stayed in bed. Now, just as we seem to do with everything else, we over-think it to the point of complete distraction. Keeping sick kids home. What about school commitments, work commitments, baby sitters, getting to the doctors, the other kids – home, work, school, Aggghhhh!

Children, Second-Hand Smoke and Flu

This recent development sorta’ comes under the heading “no duh”: an actual medical study has shown that children hospitalized with influenza are more likely to need intensive care and have a longer hospital stay if they’ve been exposed to second-hand smoke at home.
