pediatric housecalls Robert R. Jarrett M.D. M.B.A. FAAP

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Showing posts from: Illness

Summer Childhood Illnesses and Injuries – Part 2

The injuries and illnesses parents must worry about their children getting into changes direction once the crocus blooms and the snow melts revealing a whole new set of things to worry about.

The Emergency Room’s start filling up with children suffering (more…)

Child Diseases Parents Should All Know About – Part 4

We’re now well into the series about Child Diseases Parents Should Know, part four in fact.

What we’re really doing is taking a nostalgic look at the old “second brain” binder which I (along with every other pediatric resident in the world) kept during my four years of medical school and years of pediatric training.

We carried them incessantly, used them constantly and experienced separation anxiety whenever we were parted.

Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye)

Conjunctivitis, or “Pink Eye” as it is commonly called, is a highly contagious infection but a bit difficult to diagnose separate from “allergic eyes” caused by pollens and other irritants. Additionally, if it is an infection, it may be caused either by a virus (more common, must run its course) or a bacteria (less common and needs antibiotic drops to heal).

This is a video producted by someone under the name of Dr. Constantine; but, is voiced by some computer or narrator with NO science background or knowledge of science words—my guess is a computer!

Child Diseases Parents Should All Know About – Part 3

Once the two “pre-clinical” years of medical school were completed, all us “padawans” donned our new white clinical coats and headed for the various hospitals in town where we would begin two years of “clerkship rotations” in varied medical specialties to learn about adult and child diseases.

Child Diseases Parents Should All Know About – Part 2

This is part 2 in the series about Child Diseases parents should all know about which came from an idea suggested by viewing another site that had a good idea but which plastered so many scam advertisements on the pages that I wouldn’t dream of recommending it.

That is, of course, the kind of danger you get into when you (more…)

Child Diseases Parents Should All Know About – Part 1

A few days ago I ran across a medical blog site which had the temerity to post with the title “Illnesses Parents Should All Know About” – talking about children’s illnesses of course.

I attempted to post a link to the page for you but found: First – the site tried to scam identifiable personal information before entering; and Second – it was so full of crap advertisements that I wouldn’t have endorsed the page anyway.

Diseases All Parents Should Know Series: Intro/Index

This series of posts were some of the very first postings of my website. And, they came about because of how upset I was about finding a web-scammer who used the exact same title but demanded private information from parents before they could even see their full post!

In addition, once I filled in their form with fictitious information, their whole site was nothing but lies, half-lies and advertisements! I resolved then and there to make my own page to fight their self-serving rhetoric and misinformation, and mine would be free!

This is the effort. I covered pretty much all of the most common, most dangerous and most misled diseases I routinely saw; but, couldn’t do them justice in only one post so it became a series: Child Diseases.

11 Posts in "Childhood Diseases" Series

  • Childhood Diseases Parents Should Know: Intro/Index – 15 Jul 2014
    A series of the most common childhood diseases that are either so common or so deadly that all parents should know about them

  • Part 1 - Croup, Bronchiolitis – 17 Jul 2014
    Creating our own list of "diseases all parents should know about" so you don't have to go to the scam site on the internet by the same name, we begin with parhaps one of the most common but frightful diseases for new parents to deal with: Croup and Bronchiolitis.

  • Part 2 - Otitis, Glue ear – 21 Jul 2014
    If you're considering the diseases that all parents should know about, ear infections are hands-down the most common. Why should you know about them? Because they can lead to what some people call "glue ear" and that can mean surgery. Here's all about it.

  • Part 3 - Hand, Foot, Mouth and Fifth disease – 29 Jul 2014
    Hand-Foot-Mouth (yes it's really called that, even by doctors), Pink Eye (conjunctivitis) and Fifth Disease (yes this too) are a cluster of annoying maladies that I'd bet you don't get out of parenthood without knowing about. Real common, not usually so significant that they're talked about.

  • Part 4 - Rotavirus - Kawasaki's – 10 Aug 2014
    The next two diseases all parents should know about are Rotavirus and Kawasaki's viruses, producing diarrhea and… well, Kawasaki disease; also called mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome, an import from Japan via Mexico.

  • Part 5 - Varicella - Rubella – 18 Aug 2014
    One of the legacies my generation was most proud of leaving you, our grandchildren, was the eradication of Varicella, Measles, Mumps and Rubella; BUT, we were waylaid by your parents! They ALL are coming back now because of the needless hysteria over vaccinations. So, there on the list of things you SHOULD know as parents.

  • Part 6 - Diptheria - Tetanus – 3 Sep 2014
    After last week's post I remembered another "broken" legacy due to vaccination hysteria: Diptheria, Pertussis (Whooping Cough) and Tetanus—real killers from my parents' day that we licked and now are coming back to haunt are great-grandkids. All easily prevented by the DPT shot.

  • Part 7 - Meningitis - Scarlet Fever – 11 Sep 2014
    Deadly and debilitating, both are dangerous maladies plaguing every family with an involved child before the advent of Penicillin, pretty much the first antibiotic. Meningitis was almost uniformly fatal and "strep" throat debilitatingly producing scarlet fever and heart disease. These too, all parents should know about if only to provided historical context and understanding about why we think and do like we do.

  • Part 8 - Polio - MRSA – 23 Sep 2014
    A "first" memory of my childhood was going door-to-door collecting for "penny's by the inch" fund for Polio, a untreatable virus which either killed a person or sent them into an "iron lung" until the virus ran its course. MRSA (Methicillin Resistant Staph Aureus) is a bug-a-boo that this generation needs to fight because we're running out of antibiotics that work (for reasons covered elsewhere).

  • Part 9 - Impetigo - Influenza – 1 Oct 2014
    Impetigo and Ringworm are common skin infections with "hidden" sequelae that come in the back door if they're not treated. Influenza still kills babies and grandparents while making the rest bed-riddenly ill. Fortunately, there are vaccines now readily available for all ages although annoyingly need to be repeated each year.

  • Part 10 - Lyme - Allergies – 9 Oct 2014
    Ticks cause Lyme Disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, so let's talk about them; and, I almost forgot about allergies, we absolutely cannot forget them. Every parent should know about allergies.

I mentioned about the legacy my generation wanted to leave our great grandkids but was needlessly undone by our grandkids, If you’d like to know more about that, I’ve written more in Pediatric Immunization: A Complicated Issue.

Difference Between Flu and Colds

If you take any physician… well, any one older than about 50, and ask them: “give me the top three reasons you went into practicing medicine” an answer of “I like to teach” will be somewhere on the list.

[And, NO, “so we can stick people with sharp things” isn’t on the list. Contrary to what you may think, that’s rarely all that much fun.]
