pediatric housecalls Robert R. Jarrett M.D. M.B.A. FAAP

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Showing posts from: Illness

Numbered Diseases of Childhood: Rashes

About the last time I can see that anyone in the field of medicine attempted to make things a bit easier on ourselves was in 1905 when pediatricians tried to describe the six then known diseases which cause rashes by giving them numbers.

After all, unlike today, back then physicians weren’t so much the type of people who were (more…)

Childhood Rashes and Numbered Diseases: Intro/Index

It was a much, much less complicated world back “then.” Back then nearly EVERY grandparent had seen and knew about rashes. None of them were a good sign.

There was no “real” treatment as we know it today and even less understanding about causes OR prevention. What they did know was that babies died of them… routinely!

There was, however, enough experience with them that they knew at least six different syndromes of illness associated with rash types, clinical course, and sequelae. Here are the six… they were given numbers instead of names.

8 Posts in "Numbered Diseases" Series

  • Childhood Rashes and Numbered Diseases: Intro/Index – 1 Mar 2014
    The BIG worry parents had back when I was a kid was: rashes, and the problems they caused. Almost nothing was known about the cause, or treatment; BUT, none of them were a good sign, and way too often meant either death or lifelong disability! A simpler time, the six known diseases which caused rashes were given numbers—which "mature" doctors still sometimes use in "secret code" against those GEN-Z "kids."

  • Part 1 - Numbered diseases of childhood – 2 Mar 2014
    In this somewhat light-hearted visit to yester-year we examine the medical situation of about a hundred years ago and discover the BIG worry parents had: rashes, and the problems they caused. A simpler time, the six known diseases which caused rashes were given numbers—which "mature" doctors still sometimes use in "secret code" against those GEN-Z "kids."

  • Part 2 - Measles - First Disease – 10 Mar 2014
    First Disease: 14-day measles, "hard" measles, Rubeola. Misery with a rash. The first of the numbered diseases.

  • Part 3 - Scarlet fever - Second Disease – 18 Mar 2014
    Second disease: Scarlet Fever, Strep, Scarlatina. A wide range of diseases, but can also cause Rheumatic Fever heart disease.

  • Part 4 - Rubella- Third Disease – 26 Mar 2014
    Third Disease: Rubella, “german measles,” “three-day measles” or “little measles” – there's nothing "little" about it! It's teratogenic (likes to deform babies). Good thing we (now) have way to prevent it, the safe and effective measles immunization.

  • Part 5 - Filatov-Dukes disease - Fourth Disease – 3 Apr 2014
    Fourth Disease: Filatov-Dukes disease. We know the name, but we lost the disease. This article explains the drama and how the whole practice of medicine can loose a disease.

  • Part 6 - Erythema Infectiosum - Fifth Disease – 15 Apr 2014
    Fifth Disease: Erythema Infectiosum (no it wasn't invented by dr. fifth), "slapped cheek," Parvovirus B19.

  • Part 7 - Roseola - Sixth Disease – 27 Apr 2014
    Sixth Disease: Roseola, "Rose rash," "Reddish Disease," "3-day-fever," "Sudden Rash," "Baby Rash," "Baby Measles," "Wind Measles," "False Measles," "Measles' Brother" - all the same thing.

What do you think? If you’d like to understand more, I’ve written several posts on all the new discoveries about how to prevent these rashes: vaccination series.

Migraine Headache in Children

Pretty much everyone has had a headache at some time or other. Unfortunately it is principally viewed as an adult disease when, in fact, it frequently occurs in children and adolescents as well.

Spinal Taps in Children

Let me let you listen in on a typical conversation between a pediatrician and parents of an infant, child or adolescent who is quite ill.

“Mr. and Mrs. Brown, Adam looks very ill, but I can’t be sure about what’s causing it until we run some tests.”

Stings and Bites in Children

The summer is full of things that bite, have you noticed? Bees, wasps, fire ants, snakes, spiders, flies, mosquitoes, ticks, and scorpions. Some areas have these threats to health and sanity all year long.

Scabies in Children

I once heard a tape of an old-time radio broadcast where Costello was telling Abbot that “I once had the seven-year-itch.” Abbot asked, “Well, what did you do?” to which Costello replied, “I scratched real fast and got rid of it in four years.”

The seven-year itch was given its nick-name not because it lasts for seven years but because it occurs in epidemics nearly every seventh year.

Poison Ivy, Oak and Sumac in Children

Ok, lets see how astute you are about summer medical problems in children.

You are the doctor and an adolescent comes into your office with swollen eyes and a rash over his face and arms with blisters which itch terribly.

Power Lawn Mower Injuries in Children

[This article on power mower injuries in children was originally published in the spring]

I’ve had some information from the American Academy of Pediatric meeting in Chicago about a favorite past-time of summer which I have been saving until this spring to pass on.

Leg Cramps in Children

Would all of you who have had “growing pains” please raise your hands.

Just as I thought, most of you have. You should know however, that even though many doctors use that as a “talking with parents” diagnosis, most of us realize there should really be no such thing as (more…)

Children’s Back To School Medical Problems – Part 2

Children face a number of medical issues when they leave the relative ease of summer in favor of the more crowded environment of school each year. Here is part two of a list of common illnesses and issues facing us at “back to school” time.
