pediatric housecalls Robert R. Jarrett M.D. M.B.A. FAAP

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Numbered Diseases of Childhood: Rashes

About the last time I can see that anyone in the field of medicine attempted to make things a bit easier on ourselves was in 1905 when pediatricians tried to describe the six then known diseases which cause rashes by giving them numbers.

After all, unlike today, back then physicians weren’t so much the type of people who were (more…)

Childhood Rashes and Numbered Diseases: Intro/Index

It was a much, much less complicated world back “then.” Back then nearly EVERY grandparent had seen and knew about rashes. None of them were a good sign.

There was no “real” treatment as we know it today and even less understanding about causes OR prevention. What they did know was that babies died of them… routinely!

There was, however, enough experience with them that they knew at least six different syndromes of illness associated with rash types, clinical course, and sequelae. Here are the six… they were given numbers instead of names.

8 Posts in "Numbered Diseases" Series

  • Childhood Rashes and Numbered Diseases: Intro/Index – 1 Mar 2014
    The BIG worry parents had back when I was a kid was: rashes, and the problems they caused. Almost nothing was known about the cause, or treatment; BUT, none of them were a good sign, and way too often meant either death or lifelong disability! A simpler time, the six known diseases which caused rashes were given numbers—which "mature" doctors still sometimes use in "secret code" against those GEN-Z "kids."

  • Part 1 - Numbered diseases of childhood – 2 Mar 2014
    In this somewhat light-hearted visit to yester-year we examine the medical situation of about a hundred years ago and discover the BIG worry parents had: rashes, and the problems they caused. A simpler time, the six known diseases which caused rashes were given numbers—which "mature" doctors still sometimes use in "secret code" against those GEN-Z "kids."

  • Part 2 - Measles - First Disease – 10 Mar 2014
    First Disease: 14-day measles, "hard" measles, Rubeola. Misery with a rash. The first of the numbered diseases.

  • Part 3 - Scarlet fever - Second Disease – 18 Mar 2014
    Second disease: Scarlet Fever, Strep, Scarlatina. A wide range of diseases, but can also cause Rheumatic Fever heart disease.

  • Part 4 - Rubella- Third Disease – 26 Mar 2014
    Third Disease: Rubella, “german measles,” “three-day measles” or “little measles” – there's nothing "little" about it! It's teratogenic (likes to deform babies). Good thing we (now) have way to prevent it, the safe and effective measles immunization.

  • Part 5 - Filatov-Dukes disease - Fourth Disease – 3 Apr 2014
    Fourth Disease: Filatov-Dukes disease. We know the name, but we lost the disease. This article explains the drama and how the whole practice of medicine can loose a disease.

  • Part 6 - Erythema Infectiosum - Fifth Disease – 15 Apr 2014
    Fifth Disease: Erythema Infectiosum (no it wasn't invented by dr. fifth), "slapped cheek," Parvovirus B19.

  • Part 7 - Roseola - Sixth Disease – 27 Apr 2014
    Sixth Disease: Roseola, "Rose rash," "Reddish Disease," "3-day-fever," "Sudden Rash," "Baby Rash," "Baby Measles," "Wind Measles," "False Measles," "Measles' Brother" - all the same thing.

What do you think? If you’d like to understand more, I’ve written several posts on all the new discoveries about how to prevent these rashes: vaccination series.

Breastfeeding: Is It Still A “Choice”?

Pediatricians, as a general rule, are a lot more “laid back” and a lot less “type A” than other types of physicians – surgeons and neurologists come to mind. We pretty much need to be, or go crazy.

Breastfeeding Series: Intro/Index

The most recent research into children’s growth and development these days has given rise to changes in the way we think of nutrition.

Frankly, for those of us with… ahem, a bit of experience, our better tools to measure outcomes have produced findings that are a bit startling; especially as it relates to breastfeeding.

Pediatricians, at least all that I know, have always considered “Breast Is Best” but infant formulas were acceptable alternatives. Then, formulas got even better and better as our understanding of nutrition improved. Then, advances in mass data sharing and long term follow-up studies came into being.

Now, we understand better (in the long term) what some of the benefits are. Bottom line, the topic deserves a series of its own, and begins with reporting the results of an extensive study into the benefits of breastfeeding.

4 Posts in "Breastfeeding" Series

  • Breastfeeding Series: Intro/Index – 20 Feb 2014
    A collection of posts about breastfeeding: latest research, advantages, methods and practical tips.

  • OBGYN Guidelines about breastfeeding – 26 Feb 2014
    Making an informed choice about whether or not to breastfeed… is it still a choice?

  • Research findings – 16 Mar 2015
    Breastfeeding vs. Bottlefeeding - latest research, advantages and disadvantages. Suggestions and tips.

  • Recommendations and standards – 24 Mar 2015
    Continuing from the previous article we’ll conclude today with a fairly comprehensive listing of new recommendations. Apparently, more benefits than previously realized; and, frankly, a bit startling.

Child/Teen Immunization Schedule, 2014: Changes You Should Know

Look, it’s getting so even I’m getting tired talking about immunization schedule, but every time I think about throwing up my hands I remember very clearly (as if it was yesterday) being sent down to the lower hospital ward to retrieve a piece of equipment and needing to push an Iron Lung out of the way in order to get to it.

Discipline in a Non-Confrontational Parent 

[This site is one of those “blogspot” sites which is still there (including my referenced page) but is no longer actively added too – which thing makes me sorry for you… Alas, her last post was in 2019… You really should have seen it in its day!]

How does a non-confrontational parent discipline her boys? Click on the link above or below to give it a read; and see one mother’s experience trying to raise a “tribe” of four boys—especially as they turn into teenagers.


Discipline Series: Intro/Index

Of all the aspects of parenting, discipline holds the most fear in the hearts of parents. Some of that may be due to a misunderstanding of the difference between discipline and punishment, some due to an unclear understanding of the role of “parent, and some due to a lack of role model.

Or, it could be any one of a million different issues (perhaps I do exaggerate just a bit.)

This short series only considers the one aspect and began when I found a post by another author entitled “discipline in a non-confrontational parent”; a schizophrenic concept if ever I heard one. I just had to read it.

4 Posts in "Discipline" Series

  • Discipline Series: Intro/Index – 1 Jan 2014
    Of all the parts of parenting, discipline is the single most unpleasant and difficult. This series contains posts which are strictly about discipline, it's why and how.

  • Discipline in a Non-Confrontational Parent (link) – 3 Jan 2014
    I found a web post about being a "non-confrontational" parent and discipline. The two concepts are so... so... oddly disparate it almost seems schizophrenic. I found the post interesting enough to recommend the read. She's stopped posting now; but, the post is still there.

  • Parenting: Discipline – 7 Dec 2017
    Discipline isn't easy as a parent. Teaching about it isn't easy as a doctor. And, writing about it, isn't easy as a columnist either. Every circumstance is different and every child is different; but we've learned a lot of lessons over the years about how to make it easy(er) on everyone concerned. Here are several.

  • Discipline and Natural Consequences – 3 Feb 2018
    A colleague of mine, Dr. Greg Barrett, has written quite a bit about discipline and I have too. We have similar philosophies but what would it look like if we should share a case together and discuss our approaches. Would we agree? Would there be things you could learn from our discussion? Let's see!

If you’d like to read about other parenting issues, I suggest you immerse yourself in the guest-post series by Dr. Greg Barrett which I’ve posted on this site rather than loose his well-spent efforts to a web-site-flipper camping on his abandoned site.

Immunization Schedule: Birth to Eighteen 

Immunization schedule that can be printed out. From the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)


Children’s Back To School Medical Problems – Part 2

Children face a number of medical issues when they leave the relative ease of summer in favor of the more crowded environment of school each year. Here is part two of a list of common illnesses and issues facing us at “back to school” time.

Children’s Back To School Medical Problems – Part 1

Ask any medical student, intern or resident: “where is the place where you get sick most often” and you’ll be told “the hospital.”

The problem is that the relationship also holds for “adults” with “work” and “children” with “school.” That’s because (more…)

Back To School: Series Intro/Index

A child’s “Job,” if you will, is school. Lot’s of time spent in school. Lot’s of fairly intimate exposures to other kids, some of whom possibly are “carrying.” (Viruses and bacteria – what did you think I meant?)

So, how does a parent prepare for Back to School? Are there any things you need to watch out for? The ol’ “Praemonitus, praemunitus” motto – “forewarned is forearmed” sort of thing. Get comfortable, this may take a bit.

5 Posts in "Back 2 School" Series

  • Back to School: Intro/Index – 26 Sep 2013
    This series could eventually become quite extensive as the years go by. We start out with at least 15 back-to-school diseases that are frequently seen. Then we throw in some psychological/emotional and administrative issues and eventually come back to take another look at those same issues almost 5 years laters - to see if anything has changed.

  • Back 2 School 1: Tinea - Measles – 28 Sep 2013
    The first post in the series about "back-to-school medical maladies" covering: head lice, ringworm, hand-foot-mouth disease, strep & scarlet fever, conjunctivitis, chidken pox and measles-the rubeola kind

  • Back 2 School 2: Mumps - Flu – 4 Oct 2013
    The second installment of what to watch out for sending children "back to school" this year (any year). Things like: Mumps, Fifth Disease, Impentigo, Scabies, Whooping Cough (Pertussis), Meningitis, sore throat and Flu. Many fairly easily prevented.

  • 5 Back 2 School Issues – 26 Aug 2014
    "Back to School" medical problems we once thought we had mastered, seem to be raising their ugly heads again prompting school and public health officials to issue immunization mandates; in addition, we discuss the topic "School Phobia."

  • Refresh: 15 Back to school diseases – 16 Oct 2017
    "Once more into the breech then"… So much has changed, and yet the issues still remain on the Back-To-School list. Here is an updated reprise of the same diseases covered four years ago; but, all in one post this time.

There are many childhood diseases which keep coming up in varied discussions. If you’d like to check into some PARENTING topics check out the series of guest posts by a colleague Dr. Greg Barrett- Real Pediatrics.
