Hyperactivity Treatment: Is There ANYTHING That Really Works?

All of us watching this video clip can’t help but believe that Jason will be one of those children who do well in spite of his ADHD—Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder. Not all do, largely because they lack the support systems that Jason has.
His grandmother is correct that the “condition” is something that he will have to some extent most of his life; but, its manifestation does change over time as his body and nervous system matures. For some reason, children with this condition seem to take longer to do so.
Additionally, he will learn other coping mechanisms including finding a life’s work that will fit with his temperament and skills. And things will get a lot easier for learning.
The true blessing in what we’ve watched for Jason, and any child with ADHD, is making it into maturity with confidence, hope AND a self-image which doesn’t do them harm.
Now that we’ve gotten to know him, I hope we get to see some follow-up in the coming years. We’re all rooting for you bud!
If you’re looking for a “first case” of this hyperactive problem don’t bother. I’ve tried and there’s nothing definitive—excepting a whole boat-load of historical people who’ve acted crazy enough that they coulda’ been!
Even the name for the thing has changed four or five times since I did research on “hyperactivity” in medical school as an honors project some ty years ago!
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Do you think that the term “Night Terrors” is just the name your grandmother used to describe an upsetting bad dream or nightmare?
Well, I never met your grandmother so I don’t know really know what she meant; BUT, they are not the same thing and are treated somewhat differently.
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This mother has helped her autistic child when no help was available. She teaches us her simple technique: “Look at Me”
This video is in Spanish using subtitles. TED does not intend to support IE with subtitles so they don’t work. According to them: “either view the video in another browser or view on the TED site.”
We’ve been reviewing all the new pediatric health-care guidelines published last year in the past two articles. So far we’ve found that new research prompted governing groups to release care-guidelines for Congenital Dislocated Hips, Calcium supplementation, Fluoride supplementation, Read more→
Over 20 years ago, while I was in the service, a new method of testing diabetics for blood glucose control was “discovered” and I instantly seemed to know in my gut that it would revolutionize the care for the whole clinic full of patients I was managing – not to mention those kids at camp UTADA diabetic camp I saw every fall. (more…)
I’d like to talk today about a “new med” for “juvenile diabetes.”
By ‘childhood diabetes’ I mean the ‘type 1’ diabetes that used to be most predominant in childhood as opposed to the ‘type 2’ which used to be most predominant in adulthood. Two different diseases which, confusingly, have the same name.
Leg pain on one side, without known injury, usually means that a child (usually a boy) needs to see his Pediatrician for a thorough exam. Boys, as most parents know (and despite the political attempts at uni-sexing children), are a lot more likely to inflict injury on themselves due to their general activity preferences.
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