pediatric housecalls Robert R. Jarrett M.D. M.B.A. FAAP

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Childhood Diabetes: Intro/Index

It seems like we just “think” we’ve got something understood when a new discovery erases part of the “wording” and adds a new paragraph. Diabetes was once just “adult onset” and “juvenile onset.” Adult onset had to do with obesity in some way and juvenile onset the pancreas and too often cachexia (inordinately underweight).

Then, some adults were discovered to develop the “juvenile type” and with the sedentary lives of couch potato children they began developing the “adult type” too. So, the names were changed to “type 1” and “type 2” respectively.

Little progress was made in treatment until “Hemoglobin A1C” was discovered as a measurement of control, long-acting insulin was developed and diet was better understood. A whole new paradigm ensued, and a new plateau became not comfortable but tolerable.

Then, computer, space, miniaturization and remote sensing advances exploded progress again, and frankly it hasn’t stopped yet.

7 Posts in "Childhood Diabetes" Series

  • Childhood Diabetes Series: Intro/Index – 10 Apr 2013
    Diabetes in childhood is complicated; but, all the players in the issue have made it even more so. This series of posts displays the many issues of the disease which seems to be increasing in children.

  • Diabetes, Insulin and Exercise: New Findings – 12 Apr 2013
    Being an active person who has diabetes (especially Type 1 - formerly Juvenile Onset) is a real tap-dance to monitor and control blood glucose levels.

  • Part 1 - Diabetes history, GLP-1 – 23 Jun 2014
    Part 1 of a discussion about JODM (Juvenile Onset Diabetes Mellitus, Now known as Type 1 Diabetes), beginning with the original disease, it's impact and discovery of Insulin; and leading to the development of a "new" type of drug.

  • Part 2 - GLP-1 Meds – 27 Jun 2014
    Part 2 of a discussion about Injectable Glucagon-like Peptide-1 (GLP-1), a new drug in the treatment of diabetes

  • Graphic video about diabetes – 10 Nov 2015
    Here is a video which really gets to the basics of diabetic care – the A, B, C's if you will. Short and sweet the items stand for items which are important to maintain good health.

  • Juvenile Diabetes and ProBiotics - Yogurt, Bacteria and Children – 15 Jan 2018
    The TEDDY (The Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in the Young) study is explained - what do diabetes, yogurt, bacteria and children have in common?

  • 2017 State of the disease – 2 Jul 2018
    Especially to those with diabetes, it just seems like progress is sooooo slow. 2017, state of the disease.


Amblyopia and Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip

There are two things which a trained pediatrician usually checks for more frequently than other physicians who see children: Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip(DDH) and Amblyopia (lazy eye).

Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip, or DDH (formerly CDH), occurs when the hips of a new born infant are either inadequately or inappropriately developed at birth. The acetabulum (socket) of the pelvis is too shallow to allow the head (ball) of the femur (large leg bone) seat well, so it continually pops out.

