pediatric housecalls Robert R. Jarrett M.D. M.B.A. FAAP

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Showing posts from: Parenting

Medicine: Do Nothing Whenever Possible

[Guest Author] This article on Using The Least Treatment or medicine Possible is the Twenty-first in a series of guest posts from a pediatrician I’ve never met but have bonded with over sharing ideas, opinions and experiences; including having a penchant for medical blogging.


Best Medicine is No Medicine
Do Nothing Whenever Possible
by Gregory A. Barrett, M.D.

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Parenting: Dealing With Bad “Tween” Behavior

[Guest Author] This article on Bad Tween Behavior is the twentieth in a series of guest posts from a pediatrician I’ve never met but have bonded with over sharing ideas, opinions and experiences; including having a penchant for medical blogging. I’m including them here, first: because my friends web site seems to have been “hacked” or something; and, second: because sometimes he just takes the words right out of my mouth.

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Parenting: Picky Eaters

[Guest Author] This article on Picky Eaters is the nineteenth in a series of guest posts from a pediatrician I’ve never met but have bonded with over sharing ideas, opinions and experiences; including having a penchant for medical blogging. His URL is up for sale, and I’ve lost track of him, but his content will be here for safe keeping until he wants them back.

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Golden Rule of Parenting: Sleeping Through The Night

[Guest Author] This article on sleeping through the night is the eighteenth in a series of guest posts from a pediatrician I’ve never met but have bonded with over sharing ideas, opinions and experiences; including having a penchant for medical blogging. I’ve lost track of him but found his URL has been “camped on” by someone trying to gouge somebody, using its popularity my friend created. I’ve found most of his articles (I think) and will keep them here for safe keeping until he wants them back (or this blog suffers a similar fate).

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Parenting: Be selfish

[Guest Author] This article on Helicopter Parenting is the seventeenth in a series of guest posts from a pediatrician I’ve never met but have bonded with over sharing ideas, opinions and experiences; including having a penchant for medical blogging. I’ve lost track of him but found his URL has been “camped on” by someone trying to gouge somebody, using its popularity my friend created. I’ve found most of his articles (I think) and will keep them here for safe keeping until he wants them back (or this blog suffers a similar fate).

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Parenting: The Two Greatest Barriers To Parenting – Money and Education

[Guest Author] This article on the barriers to parenting effectively is the sixteenth in a series of guest posts from a pediatrician I’ve never met but have bonded with over shared ideas, opinions and experiences; including having a penchant for medical blogging. His URL is up for sale, and I’ve lost track of him, but his content will be here for safe keeping until he wants it back.

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Three Magic Questions of Breastfeeding

[Guest Author] This article on breastfeeding is the fifteenth in a series of guest posts from a pediatrician I’ve never met but have bonded with from sharing ideas, opinions and experiences; including having a penchant for medical blogging. His URL is up for sale, and I’ve lost track of him, but his content will be here for safe keeping until he wants it back.

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Parenting: My Malaprop Mom

[Guest Author] This article on Medical Malapropisms is the fourteenthin a series of guest posts from a pediatrician I’ve never met but have bonded with over shared ideas, opinions and experiences; including having a penchant for medical blogging.

His URL is up for sale, and I’ve lost track of him, but his content will be here for safe keeping until he wants them back. This one seems to be a shout-out to his mother (perhaps on Mother’s Day or for her birthday) and is similar to a post I wrote about “Yogi-isms” a while back.

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Parenting: Seventh Grade is a pivot point

[Guest Author] This parenting article on the seventh grade being the pivot point is the thirteenth in a series of guest posts from a pediatrician I’ve never met but have bonded with over sharing ideas, opinions and experiences; including having a penchant for medical blogging. His URL is up for sale, and I’ve lost track of him, but his content will be here for safe keeping until he wants them back.
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Parenting Is Saying No

[Guest Author] This article on the art and purpose of saying no is the twelfth in a series of guest posts from a pediatrician I’ve never met but have bonded with over sharing ideas, opinions and experiences; including having a penchant for medical blogging. His URL is up for sale, and I’ve lost track of him, but his content will be here for safe keeping until he wants them back.
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Parenting: Good behavior is expected, not rewarded

This article on expecting good behavior is the eleventh in a series of guest posts from a pediatrician I’ve never met but have bonded with over sharing ideas, opinions and experiences; including having a penchant for medical blogging. His URL is up for sale, and I’ve lost track of him, but his content will be here for safe keeping until he wants them back.
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Parenting: Never Trust Newborns

This article about never trusting the Newborn to do the expected is the tenth in a series of guest posts from a pediatrician I’ve never met but have bonded with over sharing ideas, opinions and experiences; including having a penchant for medical blogging. His URL is up for sale, and I’ve lost track of him, but his content will be here for safe keeping until he wants them back.
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