pediatric housecalls Robert R. Jarrett M.D. M.B.A. FAAP

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Showing posts from: Prevention/Safety/Rescue

Parenting: Why Not Immunize Children, Parent’s 10 reasons

[Guest Author] This article on “Why Not Immunize Children” is the twenty-third in a series of guest posts from a pediatrician I’ve never met but have bonded with over sharing ideas, opinions and experiences; including having a penchant for medical blogging. His URL is up for sale, and I’ve lost track of him, but his content will be here for safe keeping until he wants it back. An academic professor, he listened, categorized and understood reluctant parents’ reticence to immunize – and talks about them here.

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Safe Sleep For Infants: SIDS & SUIDs

The slogan “Back to Sleep” which revolutionized infant sleep methods has been changed to “Safe To Sleep” to broaden its scope and bring other causes of sleep-related infant death “into the fold” for research. Perhaps you already knew that, the slogan has been registered as a trademark of the US Department of Health and Human Services.
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Measles: The Real Evidence

This year (2015) the U.S. has suffered a huge increase in Measles. An increase unlike any other in recent years! The blame for much of it has been directly placed at the feet of California residents who exercised a “personal belief” exemption in the state’s childhood immunization requirements.
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Internet Vaccination Advice Nearly Killed Their Son

I ran across a poignant article while researching the difficult topic of how parents should use the internet to gain medical information – truly, it sounds simple BUT IT’S NOT.

There is a mind-blowing amount of information exposed by a search on Google for about any medical condition! Unfortunately, there is also an incredible amount of crap exposed in that same search!
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Childhood Immunization: Updated 2013 guidelines

What I have been trying to say for the past couple of days, and kept getting side-tracked, is that the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has just released this years immunization schedule (2013) which not only takes into account all the recent scientific studies but tries to make them understandable–as understandable as Read more→

Immunization Safety Series: Intro/Index

My generations medical issues that kept us humble often, if not usually, had to do with death and dismemberment due to disease. The issues plaquing today’s parents and physicians seem to have to do with name-calling and sex.

Each generation has its issues, that’s understandable. The viral and bacterial illnesses we spent conquering produced a world whose impediments and trials have different rates and therefore priorities. I get it.

But, it just seems to me that a SMART generation would build upwards on what we had already done, NOT start all over and pretend our issues just didn’t exist.

The vaccine-hater cottage industry has really done a number on society… actually, the whole world. MILLIONS of man-hours have been spent, over-and-above the draconian amount already required to market a product in the US, on proving fictitious claims were wrong.

BUT, GOOD NEWS, they have; and we can now move on… right? This series on Vaccine Safety cronicles the struggle.

12 Posts in "Immunizations" Series

  • Immunization Safety Series: Intro/Index – 28 Jan 2012
    A chronicle of our struggle to get out of the mess we've been in trying to understand immunizations.

  • Wakefield Immunization Fraud – 29 Jan 2013
    Pure and Simple: It's a FRAUD. Anti-vaccine claims by ANDREW WAKEFIELD have been proven unequivocally to be deliberately fraudulent for fame and money! Not just a little, or accidental, a deliberate and deceitful act which not only cost him his money and fame but his MEDICAL LICENSE as well! (He IS INfamous.)

  • Immunization Safety Research – 30 Jan 2013
    Is immunizing our children against "those old diseases" still relevant today? Yes, it is! Modern medicine has taken from us the daily fear of our children dying for so long, it's wonderful that we can even ask that question. YES, it is!

  • Autism and Immunization Link Debunked... Again – 30 Mar 2013
    In addition to hundreds of studies in the wake of Andrew Wakefiel's deliberate fraud about immunizations and autism—yet another1000 children study reveals that the number of vaccines administered to children, either in one day OR in the total first two years of life, HAS NO BEARING ON AUTISM RISK!

  • Measles Outbreak in unvaccinated – 18 May 2014
    There is a death toll associated with the anti-vaccination philosophy! Measles again beginning to attack US children, cased reported to CDC up 200% last year.

  • Decision not to immunize nearly killed their son – 11 Jun 2015
    Parent's decision not to immunize nearly killed their son, parent's now advocates for immunizations.

  • Return of Measles Disease – 22 Jun 2015
    The mis-information about immunizations is leading to the return of Measles in the US and around the world.

  • Vaccine-preventable diseases coming back – 30 Apr 2017
    Preventable diseases are coming back. Cases of measles, mumps, polio, rubella (German Measles), whooping cough, chickenpox, cholera, diphtheria, meningitis, rotavirus and typhoid are up.

  • Immunization v. Vaccination: How we got in this mess – 27 May 2017
    A cottage industry of vaccine-haters: A Story of Gullibility, Fear, Despicable Avarice and Scams—along with death, disability and suffering.

  • Immunization v. Vaccination: Vaccine-Hater Cottage Industry – 31 May 2017
    Vaccine Haters cottage industry purported fears: the REAL facts.

  • 10 reasons parents choose not to immunize – 6 Jun 2017
    Parents' vaccine fears—analyzed and discussed rationally.

  • The vaccine strategy (video) – 20 Jun 2017
    What the vaccine-haters (anti-vaxers) don't want you to know. Although about 30 once feared diseases have been controlled by immunizations, many others still elude us like HIV, Malaria and to a large extent Influenza. We are closer now than ever to understanding how to control those diseases… here is what we know!


Emergency Medical System (EMS) – Prevention

Just ask anybody. With all the gadgets and technology we have now, most children are saved in emergencies, right? All the television shows prove it, right? Now days, just call 911 and paramedics save most children… right?

WRONG! It is true that, for adults, the EMS system has dramatically improved survival; but, for children the survival rates in out-of-hospital cardio-pulmonaryarrest are abysmal. (more…)

Dental ID of Children

The first time a physician is faced with an unconscious patient of unknown cause, he becomes “sold” on the idea of Med Alert bracelets.

For years, most of us have encouraged diabetic patients to wear these type of bracelets or carry an I.D. card in their wallet.