pediatric housecalls Robert R. Jarrett M.D. M.B.A. FAAP

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Showing posts from: Sports/Recreation

New Concussion Guidelines For Children’s Sports

Being one of the roughest of all children’s sports, it’s a rare parent who hasn’t had a boy who has been conked on the noggin hard enough to see stars, become dazed or actually go unconscious playing the game. YOU CAN’T DO THAT SO CHEAPLY ANY MORE!

Boys and Body Image

It’s not just for girls any more: worrying about body image and looks. The steady bombardment of advertising and other media images is taking its toll on boys as well – there is a tremendous pressure to look “lean and chisled.”

Children’s Sports

Some baseball seasons past I followed the little league “career” of a neighborhood youngster by attending almost all of his games.

As I became familiar with his style of play, his teammates, and coaches I became fond of him and I found myself happy when his team won, saddened when they lost, but overall anxious to see that he gained from every game.
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Children’s Athletic Warmups

Ask even the most novice little league sports participant and he will tell you that you are supposed to “warm up” before a game or practice.

When asked why that is necessary, studies have shown that even many college-age athletes are Read more→

How To Kill A Child Athlete

They’ve turned the school bells back on and children are coming in for football sports physicals.

Football has been called the most deadly of all childhood sports.  It really shouldn’t be much of a suprise when you consider what really goes on on the field.

Children’s Jogging

Increasing numbers of children are participating in organized distance running – jogging. Some ambitious parents have sought to enter their children in adult type marathon races and there is even an occasional child who can “succeed” in this type of activity.
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