Parkinson’s Disease—Renaissance Man in the Age of Enlightenment
You traveling this year on your vacation? There are a few things we ought to keep in mind – medically speaking – in order to avoid experiencing a vacation that just “keeps on giving” long after you’d like it to be over. I’ll list 10 of them, this post containing the first five: Ebola, MERS, CHIKV, Measles and Polio.
The just barely turned teen Logan LaPlante told the attendees at the TEDxUniversityOfNevada conference that the most annoying question kids are always asked is: “what do you wanna be when you grow up.” He then went on to explain that he just wants to be happy like he is now – and that we “don’t seem to make learning how to be happy and healthy a priority in our schools.” Watch this mature-for-age homeschooled kid talk about how he has “hacked” school into something that makes him not only educated but happy. Happy with home schooling.
Link to the US government website for immunization recommendations: birth to 18
[Google has stopped showing this video – which makes me sorry, Im not sure where to send you to actually see a live case of ChickenPox anymore.] Here is an entertaining (if you’re a 6 year old) animated video involving Arthur Arthur and his somewhat obnoxious sister who have to deal with Chickenpox – or […]