A colleague of mine, Dr. Greg Barrett, has written quite a bit about discipline and I have too. We have similar philosophies but what would it look like if we should share a case together and discuss our approaches. Would we agree? Would there be things you could learn from our discussion? Let’s see!
Teenagers, maturing and THE sex talk, Parenting, Keeping the conversation alive, recalcitrant teens and discipline
In my youth Ansel Adams was the world’s most renowned photographer. The whole world knew and loved his breathtaking landscapes and his conservationist agenda. Today it seems there isn’t a person who hasn’t seen and wondered about Anne Geddes’ startlingly-endearing photographs of newborn infants in egg crates, and lettuce leaves.
A link to a blog post by Hayley Kaplan which exposes little known facts about sexting on their phones and computers to teens.
We’ve already described a lot of the mosquito diseases we’re worrying about this summer. And, we’ve also pointed out an extremely valuable reference for travelers run by the CDC. Now, lets give you a printable handout you can use as sort of a check-list to “mosquito-a-fy” the area around your house. Yea, we know that […]