I’m not sure how to write about some new research on infant circumcision because I am aware that the subject has seemed to develop sort of a cult of non-believers not dissimilar to that of the non-immunizers. Read more→
Human nature as it is, doctors not excepted, change is fought against tooth and nail if it at all offends either ego or pocketbook. This is a bit of history lesson on a few of our hard-won breakthroughs where not only the idea, but the discoverers were unaccepted, rejected and even attacked for their discoveries.
Peanut allergy is, for some unknown reason, rising in numbers every year. Perhaps we were merely naïve when I was a child, but we certainly didn’t have any “special table” in our lunch room as a “peanut free zone.” I never once, in my entire school years, had a teacher or classroom even mention that there even was such a thing as kids who couldn’t be around peanuts let alone prohibit them from entering… not any more! They’re everywhere and every school has them.
This mother has a unique approach to her children’s “star charts” – rewarding good behavior and focusing on “successes.” [http://nicholleandherboys.blogspot.com/2012/03/if-you-didnt-already-know-landon-likes.html]
[Page is no longer served on the CDC site – an odd thing for a major government entity like the CDC to do; but, there you are.] Body Mass Index (BMI) uses weight and height to calculate a reliable indicator of body fatness for most people in order to screen for potential health problems. Here […]