Here is another pediatric specialist’s advice about ADHD from his position on a medical university faculty.
The Intro/Index to the 2014 Medical Guidelines Curated Series of posts.
Too many people seem to have forgotten what the “REAL” autism looks like. You know the original malady described by Dr. Leo Kanner back in the ’40s—and used until almost the ’90s when political and educational pressures began altering the diagnostic criteria. Even fewer have the true insight and understanding that this mother has and tries to help you understand. NOTE: the English subtitles do NOT work in Internet Explorer – per TED “either use another browser or view the video on the TED site.”
Even if school wasn’t out for this summer, physical activity guidelines for children are simple and clear – 60 minutes of exercise each day. Here is a great link to simple examples of types and amounts of exercise for children, and two great examples from actual children’s exercise diaries – courtesy of the CDC.
In fact there’s a lot of things you can’t MAKE a kid do—well you could, but not without damaging something. Things like eating, sleeping and going potty are the “trifecta” of parenting problems a pediatrician is sought out for to provide counseling and hopefully an answer. A pediatrician on the east coast calls himself “A […]