pediatric housecalls Robert R. Jarrett M.D. M.B.A. FAAP

Hello, and welcome to Pediatric House Calls. I am…
A Physician board certified in Pediatric medicine with Clinical experience including caring for infants, children and teens – well these days mostly children and teens up to twenty-one;
An Administrator experienced in top medical management for several national health insurance companies;
An Author of health care manuals, newspaper columns and even children's stories;
A Business Medical Consultant for drug companies, insurance companies and physician practices;
A Veteran of the US Navy in the Vietnam era;
I make House-Calls.

ADHD, ADD, HK, ADHK, LDHK, MBD, Hyperactive, “Slow”

If you’re looking for a “first case” of this hyperactive problem don’t bother. I’ve tried and there’s nothing definitive—excepting a whole boat-load of historical people who’ve acted crazy enough that they coulda’ been!

Even the name for the thing has changed four or five times since I did research on “hyperactivity” in medical school as an honors project some ty years ago!
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Victor McKusick: Medical Genetics

Continuing our historical description of the top 50 most influential doctors in history we come to #44, Victor McKusick known as the father of medical genetics. Can you even comprehend what it means to have been the “inventor” or “founder” of an entire field of medicine? I’m not sure I can.
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Happy New Year

Happy New Year From Pediatric House Calls

2017 New Year Baby in HatA New Year, Yippie!

From – Pediatric House Calls

[About this time every year things get a bit hectic around the homestead and we need to take a little hiatus. Hope you and everyone you care about have a perfect holiday season—wherever you may be! See you again in the new year.]

Merry Christmas Until Next Year

Happy Holidays From Pediatric House Calls

Happy Holidays from Pediatric House CallsYou can’t escape from Santa

From – Pediatric House Calls

[About this time every year things get a bit hectic around the homestead and we need to take a little hiatus. Hope you and everyone you care about have a perfect holiday season—wherever you may be! See you again in the new year.]

In Memoriam: Henry Heimlich, MD

In Memorium: Henry Heimlich, quote

Henry Heimlich, MD, a thoracic surgeon who invented an anti-choking maneuver that saved an untold number of lives, died today at age 96 of complications from a heart attack earlier in the week.

The maneuver that bears his name made Dr Heimlich a celebrity. However, he left his mark with other innovations, such as the Heimlich Chest Drain Valve, credited with saving thousands of US soldiers shot in the chest. He also developed the Micro-Trach, which delivers oxygen into the lungs through a narrow breathing tube inserted into the trachea.

Dr Heimlich put the number of people saved from choking to death by the Heimlich maneuver, introduced in 1974, as high as 100,000. It is performed by wrapping one’s arms around the victim’s waist, placing a fist thumb-side just under the ribcage and between the lungs, and thrusting it upward to dislodge an airway obstruction with a burst of expelled air. A roll-call of celebrities who underwent the maneuver include President Ronald Reagan, Cher, Halle Berry, Carrie Fisher, Nicole Kidman, and TV journalist John Chancellor, according to the physician’s website. Dr Heimlich applied his own technique perhaps twice himself, including just last May on a choking woman at a Cincinnati retirement center where they both lived.

Born in Wilmington, Delaware, Dr Heimlich received his medical degree from Weill Cornell Medical College in 1943. He and his late wife Jane Murray, daughter of dance school operator Arthur Murray, had four children.

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What’s Eating You? Ticks and Fleas

Ok, ok, ok! I’ve been informed more than once this week that two other bugs have an affinity for human flesh and are seen just as often, at least in the warmer climes. I admit I had forgotten about the more, let’s say: “winter challenged” (equatorially inclined) portions and desert areas of this great world where both ticks and fleas flourish.
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