Navigating through the rocky waters of Middle School has never been more difficult, both for children and their parents. The good news is that it’s only temporary.
The path to a medical discovery is anything but “straight and narrow”! More than any scientist likes to believe or talk about, these “discoveries” take the scenic route. Such was the case with penicillin, anti-coagulants, replacement eye lenses, anti-anxiety drugs, heart surgery and ulcer treatment. Many invented in time to save lives during war.
Back in 2010 Japanese GPS artist Yassan (also known as Yasushi Takahashi) wrote the world’s largest marriage proposal by travelling around Japan while recording his GPS track. He holds the Guinness World Record for ‘Largest GPS drawing by an individual’. In the notoriety he found ability to pursue his ambitions, and help from Japan Airlines, enabling him to annotate the earth with his GPS tracks of an important message for the new year: Peach On Earth