pediatric housecalls Robert R. Jarrett M.D. M.B.A. FAAP

Hello, and welcome to Pediatric House Calls. I am…
A Physician board certified in Pediatric medicine with Clinical experience including caring for infants, children and teens – well these days mostly children and teens up to twenty-one;
An Administrator experienced in top medical management for several national health insurance companies;
An Author of health care manuals, newspaper columns and even children's stories;
A Business Medical Consultant for drug companies, insurance companies and physician practices;
A Veteran of the US Navy in the Vietnam era;
I make House-Calls.

Rheumatic Fever Video

I’m posting this as a “refresher” for what we’ve already discussed about Rheumatic Fever in previous articles. It’s basic and doesn’t really deliver an understanding of what this disease has done to children in years past or present. It’s full of mnemonic’s, diagnostic criteria, treatment and explanations (perhaps on a nursing student level) but doesn’t convey the heart-break and life-long handicaps inflicted upon its victims.

Good pediatricians and pediatric nurses don’t in any way take “strep throats” lightly and neither should you. Remember take all your medicine for the entire length of time even though the symptoms will clear within a few days!

See the video…

3 Rashes And Their Heart Problems

We’ve chatted about rashes before (ok, a lot) and we’ve talked about heart diseases before. Heart diseases only very rarely are associated with rashes. And only an infinitesimally small number of rashes cause heart disease. When they do, it’s worth talking about… so let’s chat about rashes and heart.
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Zora Janžekovič – Pediatric Burn Pioneer

A while ago now, I decided to write a series of articles based on a magazine list described as the “top 50 influential doctors in history.”

The list, a big undertaking if not a bit ostentatious; the series of articles, a satisfying and most rewarding ride through the history of my profession – a ride even any parent would find an unexpected and critical benefit.
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Why So Many Illnesses In My Child

I spend a lot of time writing about and explaining illness; while assuming you know about “bugs” and “viruses” and “Immunity” and “baby shots” (in quotation marks because they are “general” vague terms). Kids get sick, get better, get sick, get better and get sick again. How much is too much?
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Trying to Unsuscribe

This post is for no other reason than a good dose of stress reduction. Almost weekly I receive emails from friends and patients advising me that their phone number receives so many spam calls that they’ve decided to bail on the phone company and go strictly to internet phones like Skype with a different number.

I’ve personally had to completely abandon perfectly good email addresses simply because one of my contacts unthinkingly “copied” my address to a bulk mailing of dubious nature. The adolescents behind the check-in counter at major hotel chains swear up and down “we never sell your email addresses.” Yea, right! What do they know about their corporate culture?

Comedian James Veitch has it all figured out – here’s how to unsubscribe …

See the video…

Single Dose of Old Drug Boosts Memory, Attention

Once, I read more than I wanted to about a common (and then extremely inexpensive) drug because I had a patient with seizures (Dilantin). It seems the company had found a multitude of uses for it and produced it for things like emulsifying agents including paint. There were so many I couldn’t stop reading.
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Cardiac Arrest: Commotio Cordis – Prevention, Return To Play

Astin, the 17-year-old who suffered cardiac arrest when he was hit in the chest by an elbow playing baseball, is back for his 2nd follow-up. Remember, last visit he was depressed with worry over all the junk he had read on the internet and you (well I) assigned him some homework.

For the third article in the series we’ll talk about what we can do to “prevent” Commotio Cordis (CC, his final diagnosis) and help him decide about going back to play baseball in competition.
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