pediatric housecalls Robert R. Jarrett M.D. M.B.A. FAAP

Hello, and welcome to Pediatric House Calls. I am…
A Physician board certified in Pediatric medicine with Clinical experience including caring for infants, children and teens – well these days mostly children and teens up to twenty-one;
An Administrator experienced in top medical management for several national health insurance companies;
An Author of health care manuals, newspaper columns and even children's stories;
A Business Medical Consultant for drug companies, insurance companies and physician practices;
A Veteran of the US Navy in the Vietnam era;
I make House-Calls.

Fireworks and Kids: Who Wins In A Fight?

July 4th is upon us in ‘the states.’ The day with the largest concentrations of explosions and other pyrotechnics of any; and the day with the greatest numbers of burn and explosive related injuries of any other in our parts.

Many areas have illegalized certain classes of fireworks for safety reasons. Of late much of the new legislations Read more→

Measles: The Real Evidence

This year (2015) the U.S. has suffered a huge increase in Measles. An increase unlike any other in recent years! The blame for much of it has been directly placed at the feet of California residents who exercised a “personal belief” exemption in the state’s childhood immunization requirements.
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10 Scary Issues About Concussions

I saw a 5-year-old purple-faced dragon at Sam’s Club trying to go ingognito. She was wearing the lace-up pink boots that everyone knows is what frogs wear when they want to go out on the town. She couldn’t fool me!
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Internet Vaccination Advice Nearly Killed Their Son

I ran across a poignant article while researching the difficult topic of how parents should use the internet to gain medical information – truly, it sounds simple BUT IT’S NOT.

There is a mind-blowing amount of information exposed by a search on Google for about any medical condition! Unfortunately, there is also an incredible amount of crap exposed in that same search!
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Preventing Heat Stroke and Illness in Children: Guidelines 

We’ve spoken before about prevention of heat stroke and other illnesses in children athletes. Here is a concise list of guidelines and best practices from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) for coaches, parents and other advocates for children to use when administering sports programs. There is also an audio commentary to accompany the guidelines.

Follow link to:  Preventing Heat Stroke and Illness in Children: Guidelines